Clueless. (not a series tittle)
I'm amazed by this free blog, creates a beautiful, humble, lovely blog i've always wanted. Though, i want to come out as a ghost writer first so people won't barely know my identity, yet probably it'll be better to come out as yourself. And plus, serves you a ton of GRRRREAT BLOG opening, which i don't think i can write that.
This is so random, i know. Just want to shout out my thoughts to the world. To the parents that used to being judged because not treating their child as per "mother-in-law's standard" or not as per society's standards. Ugh. I FEEL YOU GUYS!

And, that's why i named this post CLUELESS.
Well, some new parents in their mid 30's are somewhat so parenthood savvy they know it all. But, me? I consider myself as an average parents. I don't really dig much about parenthood before it comes, and when it comes to diagram about motherhood classification, probably i'm the relaxed mothers. Parenthood comes with no guidebook. We are clueless, that we might go for our instinct, which mostly giving the best for our child but probably not in the same way as others doing it. But hey! seriously, we all give the best for our child. We gave them breast milk or formula, whichever ways, we still want to feed them the best things WE HAVE that WE CAN AFFORD.
But all in all, we're giving our best attention, best of the time spent that we have in 24 hours a day, or best things that we have! It's putting my children needs before my needs or so. And that's already great. No need to listen to all judgementals people out there, who's not approving our ways of parenting. We're growing as much as our child grown, so we both learn. And that's the most important.
So enough about the self-empowering notes. There i just say it. #parenthoodisclueless #iknowright #butimasurvivor #wereallsurvivor