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Unreasonably Reasonable

Couple of days ago, i texted my friend.

Saying i don't feel like working anymore. She replied,is that forever or just temporarily? Then silence in myself. I questioned that back to myself. I feel so "cemen" for always being so good for running away from problems. And even this time, i also thinks about the same thing over and over again. I know there are so many reasons about not to stop working, related to personal growth or simply just paying the monthly bills. But, then i started to ask myself, was it all those ideals ideas in my head, about find and works for my own passion, will be worth it in the end?

Because i dont know. I never have confidence for the future, i am bad at estimation. Really bad. Probably because i used my feelings better than logic. Yet, i never feel sorry for having that ability.

I am searching for adult who's better at adulting things than me.

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