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Letter to Me

So, in this kinda gloomy day, i am working from home (remotely), cause flu was attacking me. I can't barely breathing right now (literally). Then, in my spare time (of course, i have spare time! i'm working from home!) while listening to Billy Ocean - There Will Be Sad Songs to Make You Cry (oh God, that's what we call evergreen), i asked myself, why not i post in this blog? cause it's been sometimes.

Recently things has been going quite erratic. And, i think there was a quote saying "if it's not crazy, then you're not doing it right" so i suppose, i am okay! i always very good at finding affirmation, right?

I know 2017 has passed, and it taught me more than i know.

Yet, i have recently realized, also so many good things i stopped doing eversince. I rarely meet my friends or relatives since i perceived myself "too busy". I rarely cook at home and feed my daughter my own home cooking. I rarely do organizing stuff at home and to be honest, everything is a frikkin' messy right now. Everything is autopilot because i was really focus on some other things, which if i considered now, wasn't really something. I feel insecure for something that wasn't really a thing. Sometimes, we prioritize things just because we're afraid to be looking dull in other people's eyes. Yet, we forgot, which was truly important to our lives. What will never "leave". Ohana. Family. My own little family.

My daughter before she dislikes me for being her true stalker. My husband, cause afterall love is a verb that needs real progress.

My parents, while they're not too old and forgetful.

Oh, how i wish i could be more attentive. But, i hope i am not too late to start everything all over again.

Thank you, Me. For still realizing what's important. You are a work in progress. You will always be.

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