Early Surprise

I never made a resolution for new year. That's one thing for sure.
Cause, i change myself whenever i want to, without having to wait for new year.
Well, what i am going to write might be too cheesy. I will share about health. My personal health. I am a person who rarely exercise, eat healthy food (means fruit & vegs), and drink small amount of water or whenever i feel like drinking.
Turns out that kind of lifestyle reflects bad result on my appendix. On 2nd week of December, i feel sharp pain (like wave) in my lower right abdomen, but since i am in my ovulation period, i thought it's just a pre phase of my period. But, after my period end, the pain was still there. And it felt the same, like a wave with a peak pain point.
So, on Dec 31st, i decided to go to Internist, to have a follow up steps. The internist said, let's just do the appendicogram test just to be sure, whether it's appendisitis or not. Well, unfortunately it's an appendisits, the result said so on Jan 2nd when i paid another visit to the internist. She suggested me to go to Surgeon for follow up steps. I denied that. At first my thought was like "Oh no, not another surgery please." and also "well, it's not burst yet, so i think that's fine." That kind of stupid thoughts. The 2nd day after the judgement day, i felt the sharp pain in the same location, and i think "let's not passed out in public places because i don't want strangers to bring me to hospital" okay, stupid. But, that's a kind of push that brought me to surgeon in the afternoon. So, after the visit, i agreed to do the surgery while still thinking i already passed C-Sectio, how far this Laparoscopy could go?
Oh, Boy. Take back what i said (or think) it hurts like i never had a surgery before. Like, 101 post surgery, forgot how to sit, walk, move your body, or even change laying position on bed. I cried almost 2 nights, because the bloated feelings in my stomach combined with gas, and also giant butterflies and dragon and dinosaur are partying in there.
So, now 1 month post surgery, i think i am getting better, tho still hurts whenever i walked too fast, or had a little run. But, better drinking routines, better eating habits (eat fruits & veggies at least once in a day). No sports yet, but sure will do later after 2 months. Just want to give highlights, your body is an investment. If you treat it poorly, prepared to receive surprises. Take times to drink sufficient amount of water, eat fruits & veggies, seems simple but it's hard to do in reality, cause sometimes we always go back to what makes us comfortable (my case; junk food, soda, cakes, and sweets)
Well, now let's hope no more surgery okay? I don't think i like it. Duh, who does?